Volume. 62/ Summer 2015
Opening the Black Box of Sadness—Glimpsing a Path to Self-Healing


Special Issue
Opening the Black Box of Sadness—Glimpsing a Path to Self-Healing/ Yu-Chan Li

Surviving Siblings’ Grief Reactions of Two-Times Losses and Their Impacts on Sibling Relationships: A Case Study/ Pei-Ling Wu, Yu-Chan Li

The Experiences of Disenfranchised Grief in Intensive Care Nurses/ Shu-Chin Yen, Yu-Chan Li

Do Widowers Grieve Differently than Widows?/ Yeong-Chyuan Chen, Haunn-Tarng Tseng

Conceptual Papers
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulationas Antidepressive Therapy/ Yu-Ju Chou

Empirical Research
Helping Principles vs Military Discipline, What Impact? What Lessons?—A Case of FHK College, National Defense University, R. O. C./ Li-Li Yu, Lee-Chuan Tseng

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