Ling-Ching Hsia
Department of Applied Psychology Fu-Jen Catholic University

The researcher, as one of educational practitioners in Taiwan, presented and examined her professional intervention in the on-going educational policy reformation project–The Reformation of College Entrance Policy. As a researcher and a professional consultant, the present author had conducted an action research in the past four years in the context of the Multiple Selection Program. This article summarized the forms and contents of the researcher’s professional intervention in relation to the career guidance practice in Taiwan high schools. Perceiving high school teachers as educators as well as collaborative researchers, the researcher of this study had tried to inquire into the dilemmas those embedded in the educational practices of high school teachers while they were facing the contradictory forces of changes in this education reformation project. Since action research is still an newly emerged approach in Taiwan; therefore, this article also tried to examine and articulate the assumptions of the researcher’s interventions.

Keywords: action research, reflective thinking, professional intervention, intervening frames, activating social actors

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