No. 2 / Summer 1999  Family psychology: Integrative process systems perspective

Dialogues & Responses to “education reform”
Responses to the special issue of education reform: A different approach/ Huang-Chieh Yu

The humanism of intersubjectivity and education reform/ Kai-Cheng Wong

Human awakening and action awareness/ Ling-Ching Hsia

There is no fear in wisdom/ Ching-Chung Wang

Further discussion of theocentric humanism/ Hsiao-Huei Pan

The significance of teachers’ action research/ Li-Chen Lai

Special Issue

Family psychology: Integrative process systems perspective/ Editor: Kuang-Hui Yeh

The systems perspective in family psychology/ Tsui-Shan Li Liu

Recurring conflicts in family/ Kuang-Hui Yeh

Measurement and application of family system/ Tsung-Chain Huang

A systems framework for marital adjustment study/ Szu-Chia Chang

Gender issues in family relationships: A systems perspective/Shu-chu Chao

Empirical Research

Mothers’ beliefs, goals and child-rearing behaviors(I)︰An analysis of the themes/ Huey-Ya Lin

Development and item response analysis of the Teaching Perspectives Inventory/ Wen-Chung Wang & Hsueh-Chu Chen

Narrative Research

The dialogue and transformation of multi-selves about Chu Kuang-Ch’ien:A narrative-constructive approach/ Wei-Jen Chiou & Shing-Shiang Ting

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