Huey-Ya Lin
Department of Psychology Soochow University

In order to investigate relationships among mothers’ beliefs, goals and child-rearing behaviors, two studies have been carried out. The first study is to explore the themes of mothers’ beliefs, goals and child-rearing behaviors. The second study is to develop questionnaires and then to investigate relationships among mothers’ beliefs, goals and behaviors. The present study is the second study in which theoretical categories are derived from the themes of mothers’ beliefs, goals and behaviors. Then, the researcher discussed with 5 experts and 10 mothers about theoretical categories. Through these discussions, theoretical categories are verified and further defined, and items of preliminary questionnaires regarding mothers’ beliefs, goals and behaviors are developed. One hundred and ninety-nine subjects are surveyed using the preliminary questionnaires, and the data is analyzed.  By means of factor analysis, factors are defined respectively regarding mothers’ beliefs, goals, and behaviors. Factors of mothers’ beliefs are cognitive abilities, and experiences. Factors of mothers’ goals are moral characters and interpersonal relationships, achievements, as well as positive development and independence. Factors of mothers’ behaviors are modification of misconduct and discussion, protection, modeling and practicing, as well as encouragement of desired behaviors and autonomy. Therefore the final versions of questionnaires of mothers’ beliefs, goals and behaviors are modified on the basis of the above factors and items.
Four hundred and sixty-nine mothers are selected to answer the final versions of questionnaires. The findings suggest that, on the one hand, there are higher correlation coefficients among belief of cognitive abilities, goal of moral characters and interpersonal relationships, goal of positive development and independence, and behavior of modification of misconduct, behavior of protection, modeling and practicing. On the other hand, there are higher correlation coefficients among belief of experiences, goal of moral character and interpersonal relationships, goal of achievements, as well as behavior of encouragement of desired behaviors and autonomy.

Keywords: mothers’ beliefs, mothers’ goals, child-rearing behaviors, parenting strategies, and mother–child relationship

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