Yih-Ru Cheng
Dept. of Family Medicine NTU Hospital
En-Chang Wu
Dept. of Psychology National Taiwan University
Bee-Horng Lue
Dept. of Family Medicine NTU Hospital

According to pattern changes in illnesses, the focus of medical service has changed from acute to chronic diseases in recent years. The exploration of etiology has included psychosocial problems induced by life stresses. Instead of pure medical treatment, the biopsychosocial
approach is more suitable. The revolution occurs in psychology too. The stress assessment and management does not address psychosocial but also biological aspects. In Taiwan, two representative fields are health psychology and family medicine. These two fields cooperated in practical works since 1987, offering stress assessment and management to patients.
Stress assessment and management is different from traditional psychological assessment and psychotherapy in psychiatric field. It is a clinical application of culture-based health psychology based on stress model. This study is to prove its clinical effect and explore the possible mechanism. The result supports its clinical effect. It also shows patients have their own explanations of their problems . This must be taken into consideration to make treatment more effective.

Keywords: stress assessment and stress management, stress model

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