No. 4 / Winter 1999  Family in a changing society: The Cases of Taiwan and Mainland China

Dialogues & Responses
Is health topic too much a burden on patient?/ Wei-Lun Lee

A reflection on the methodology of health psychology: A meditation on the fear of the victims/ Hsien-Hsien Chiang

Why should the victims of 921 earthquake search for non-professional consulting?/ Mu-Jang Yang

The importance of early stage caring in clinical psychology/ Wen-Yau Shu

Tranquility in life and death: The impact and caring of cancer/ Chang-Hung Chung

The reasons and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease/ Hsiu-Chih Liu

Truth, knowledge, and the professional scope of clinical psychology/ En-Chang Wu

Cancer: Is it just a matter of life and death?/ Fu-Chien Hung

Special Issue

Family in a changing society: The Cases of Taiwan and Mainland China/ Editor: Ping-Yin Kuan, Dominique Tyl & Catalina Yin

Cultural feedback: Cultural transition between parents and their children in a changing society/ Zhou Xiao-Hong

Intergenerational interaction between mothers- and daughters-in-law: A qualitative study/ Hsiang-Ming Kung

Source of intrinsic identity between spouses/ Lee Yu

Marital quality: An empirical research of two rural areas in China/ Xu An-Qi & Ye Wen-Zhen

Division of domestic labor in dual-earner families: A perspective of the nature of housework/ Shain-May Tang

A study of the change of family concept and family relation in Mainland China of 1990’s/ Xiao Ping

Benevolence and propriety: The family values and attitudes toward work in Taiwan/ Shuen-Wen Chen

On family: From tradition to modern/ Dominique Tyl

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