Yaw-Sheng Lin
Department of Psychology Kaohsiung Medical University

The ‘921’ earthquake as a historical phenomenological field for Taiwan society’s collective traumatic memory, the following programs for psychological recovery are quite important. However, the landscape of memory is constructed through social culture, the narrative memory is not just a personal event. From this point of view, individual-oriented counseling psychology encountered limitations. In other words, self/client identity is represented through the (symbolic) others, we cannot neglect the dialectical relationship between the self and the others. The author proposed that the ethos of postmodern discourse offered an alternative strategy for the reconstruction of counseling/psychology. After the epistemological break, to recognize counseling being a hybrid subject of ‘analytical-experiential’ discipline, ‘historical-hermeneutics’ discipline and ‘critical ‘ discipline is a route to construct the ‘subjectivity’ of the sufferers, the invisible legacy in scientific psychology.

Keywords: memory, counseling, postmodern psychology

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