Der-Heuy Yee
Institute of Ethnic Relations and Culture  National Dong Hwa University
Yu-Chung Ku
Institute of Education National Dong Hwa University

We propose a triple levels model to account for the relations between parent and child from parent’s viewpoint: (1)an ontological relation called bring-up experience, which is grounded on the existential level of parent-child relationship; (2)a dealing-with relation , based on everyday interaction, and (3)the social, which Is the force parents perceived as an external reality. We assume that the dealing-with level tends to overshadow the ontological experience of bring-up, thus we decode the narrative data on separation Issues by Heidegger’s hermeneutic methodology, try to reveal that the parent-child relationship is asymmetry and the parents are destined to be passive to face the separation. We also analyze the power management of the social which keep child away from parents not enabling to resist. The implication of filial pity is also discussed.

Keywords: Separation, Ethics, bring-up experience, the social

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