Huey-Tzy Justina Chen
Department of Medicine Catholic Fu-Jen University
Meng-Fan Lee
The Long-term Care Professional Association

In Taiwan, the prevalent rates of dementia in community dwelling elderly persons range from 2.7% to 5.0%. These rates are lower than those in the western countries. While it is estimated that there are 35,000~ 87,000 demented individuals in Taiwan, the actual number of demented person in the registry office is less than 6,800. It is believed that the majority of the demented persons comprise a hidden population. Although diagnosis and treatment are available and reimbursed for those with dementia, these services are not as popular as with other chronic illness such as hypertension or DM.
In adult day care centers and institutions, the demented persons have gradually come to compose a significant percentage of the caseload; even though most demented persons are being cared for by their own family in the home. In institutions, persons with dementia are cared for right along with the physically disabled. However, there now seems to be a trend to treat the demented persons as a special aggregate and deserving of specific dementia care. The need to support caregivers has also become an issue. With the aim of providing quality care for demented persons, while maintaining the quality of life for the family caregivers, we recommend: concerted efforts to promote the early diagnosis of and intervention for dementia, respite care for family caregivers, restructuring of care facility for demented persons and education preparation for formal caregivers.

Keywords: dementia, institution care, adult day care, respite care

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