No. 7 / Fall 2000  Dementia: Treatment and Care in Taiwan

Dialogues & Responses
      Contextual Perspective on Parenthood
Challenge and calling/ Yu Guo-Liang & Xin Zi-Qiang

The realities of parental interaction in Taiwan/ Shu-Ling Lin

The developmental aspect of parental role/ Shi-Kai Chung

Father involvement or fathers who share parental responsibilities?/ Ta-Wei Wang

You can redefine parenthood Hwa-Wei Ko 23 Is it too much for the parenthood?/ Wen-Hsiu Wang

Let interaction and social construction be embedded in the contextual meaning/ Hsueh-Yin Ting

Between subjectivity and objectivity/ Yii-Jen Wang

Parenting in the coming age/ Hung-Yen Sung

Early experiences of mother-daughter relationship and patterns of motherhood/ Dwan-Jen Tseng

Authors’ responses

A difficult but rewarding task/ Chung-Kwei Wang

Learning in frustration/ Huey-Ya Lin

Where are ideal parents?/ Whei-Ching Liu

Experiencing ‘921’ earthquake: Experiences of psychological rehabilitation with victims in a temporary shelter

The “more of the same” recipe of psychologist’s practice/ Wen-Jui Juan

Returning to the working field of psychological rehabilitation/ Wei-Ting Lee

A Reflection of Rehabilitation/ Wen-Jui Juan

Special Issue

Dementia: Treatment and Care in Taiwan/ Editor: Hsiu-Chih Liu

Subjective memory complaint: An early sign of dementia?/ Ker-Neng Lin, Pei-Ning Wang, Ya-Yun Chuang & Hsiu-Chih Liu

Noncognitive symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease/ Chia-Yih Liu & Hsiu-Chih Liu

The effectiveness of memory clinic/ Sui-Hing Yan, Shu-Li Chia & Chih Hsien Yang

Current treatment of cognition in Alzheimer’s disease/ Hsiu-Chih Liu, Wen-Jang Wong & Shuu-Jiun Wang

The role of estrogen in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease/ Pei-Ning Wang & Hsiu-Chih Liu

Genetic testing and counseling for Alzheimer’s disease/ Chen-Jee Hong

Epidemiology of dementia in Taiwan/ Ching-Kuan Liu, Chi-Ta Tai, Ruey-Tay Lin & Chiou-Lian Lai

The effect of support group for families caring for demented elderly/ Li-Yu Tang, Ping-Keung Yip, Liang-Chuan Chan & Pi-Jung Hsieh

Dementia care in Taiwan/ Huey-Tzy Justina Chen & Meng-Fan Lee

Empirical Research
A study on the development of Chinese General Aptitude Test Battery/ Su Yong-Hua

Intrinsic and extrinsic working motivation: An quantitative study of motivational orientations for Taiwanese and American Undergraduates/ Hawjeng Chiou

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