Thief-Tzuen Pan
Shei-wei elementary school Nan-tou county, Taiwan

The main purposes of this study were:(1) to develop a mathematical teaching model that can fit the characteristic of the class taught by myself on the basis of the previously constructed integrated teaching model combining Rogers’ humanistic theory with constructivism; (2) to reflect and criticize the practicability of Rogers’ humanistic theory and constructivism on mathematical instruction.
To achieve the two purposes, the method of action research was adopted. During the process of teaching/researching, some activities were alternative, including examining the theory, practicing, reflecting and criticizing, adjusting the practice and reorganizing the theory. The integrated teaching model(2) was gradually constructed, and both the practicable strategies and the nature of Rogers’ humanistic theory and constructivism on mathematical instruction were comprehended more and more deeply. Firstly, to the constructed teaching model(2), some concrete and practicable strategies were proposed for those dimensions as follows, including ’the problems used to teach’, ’the procedure of teaching’, the norms of teaching’, and ‘the attitude of interacting with students’. Generally speaking, the application of this model tends to transfer from’ student-centered teaching’ to ‘teacher-centered teaching’ on affective domain. But it still fits the spirits of ‘student-centered teaching’ on cognitive domain of mathematical instruction. Secondly, this research also suggested some viewpoints for the practicability of these two theories through critical reflection.

Keywords: Rogers’ humanistic theory, constructivist instruction, action research

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