No. 8 / Winter 2000  The Meaning of Home

Dialogues & Responses
      Dementia: Treatment and Care in Taiwan
A prolonged good-bye Ming-Chyi Pai

The meaning and prospect of preclinical dementia/ Ben -Sheng Chang

Some responses to andreflections on special issueof dementia/ Lih-Chih Jou

Continuing studysubjects following special issue of dementia/ Shyh-Dye Lee

Psychiatricaspects of dementia/ Jen-Ping Hwang

Treatment of Alzheimer’sdisease: The viewpoint from a psychiatric center/ Hsing-Cheng Liu &Sing-Ming Sung

The development and outcome of memory clinic/ Kai-Kuen Leung

The helpfulness of support groups to family caregivers of patients with dementia/ Yea-Ing L. Shyu

The forgotten partner of dementia care: Dementia patients and their caregivers/ Pei-Shan Yang

The psychological studies and intervention of dementia/ Nai-Wen Guo

Authors’ responses

Accompanying the Alzheimer’s patients and their families/ Li-Yu Tang

Is female gender a risk factor for depression in Alzheimer’s disease?/ Chia-Yih Liu

The importance of early detection of dementia/ Ker-Neng Lin

Special Issue

The Meaning of Home/ Editor: Herng-Dar Bih

The meanings of home in environmental disasters: Case studies of Ming-Sen Building and Lincoln Community/ Herng-Dar Bih

Research on homeless women: The alternative meanings of home/ Chin-Yen Wu

The living experiences of gay couples: Four cases/ Herng-Dar Bih & Yu-Ting Wu

Identity and meaning reconstruction of home: A case of Kochapogan, Rukai/ Ying-Tang Wang

Empirical Research

An exploratory study of attitudes and behaviors of idolatry among fans of popular songs/ Lung-Shiang Ju & Luo Lu

Action Research

The action research of the development of the integrated teaching model combining Rogers’ humanistic theory with constructivism/ Thief-Tzuen Pan

Conversational relationships in educational praxis/ Ling-Ching Hsia

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