Stanislaus Lokuang
Department of Philosophy Fu Jen Catholic University

I wish to explain in this paper the Christian theory of man by the “theory of three men”. That means: (1)ontological man, (2)man in the mortal world, (3)eternal man. “The ontological man” explains the ontological structure of man. The man has body and soul. The soul is created by God. The essence of man is synthesized to be a rational animal from spirit and matter. The matter becomes body, and the spirit becomes soul. The soul is the root of life. Human soul is immortal; therefore, it has eternal life. God’s image is the soul of human being. “Man in the mortal world” explains marriage and family, nation, and the Nature co-construct the living environment for man in the mortal world. When one is born, he is born in his family. A family is formed by marriage. And a nation is developed to protect the individuals. Human being receives his right and mission from God, the Creator, then he manages and uses all things in the world. “Eternal man” explains human soul is immortal, it will act even after man’s death. Christian anthropology is manifested completely by the meaning of eternal man. The eternal man is a man with transcendence. When it joins to the divine life of Jesus Christ, it is transformed from natural life to transcendent life. The transcendent life melts the natural life by the virtues of faith, hope, and love. In mystic life, human life extents itself and harmonizes itself with unlimited life. The mystic life upgrades itself gradually by the steps of daily life, praying and the mystic in silence.

Keywords: ontological man, man in the mortal world, eternal man, soul, transcendent life, mystic life

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