Huang-Chieh Yu
Department of Philosophy Fu-Jen Catholic University

This paper discusses the idea of man, the origin of man, the development of man, and the meaning of man. In the idea of man, the author tries to introduce the etymological meaning of the word “man” and to explain the problems about man. In the origin of man, the author discusses the problems from (1) mythological origin, (2) Biblical doctrine, (3) theory of natural science, and (4) the synthesis of creation and evolution. In the development of man, the author introduces the etymological meaning of the word “person” and its philosophical meaning, then its development in psychology and its relations with philosophical theories. Finally, in the meaning of man, the author concludes the article by the idea of Teilhard de Chardin to explain the meaning of human being in cosmos and the important meaning of human person.

Keywords: man, person, personality, creative doctrine, evolutionism, creative evolutionism, Darwin, Teilhard de Chardin

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